Otbl com beta ticket

Sign up for OpenTBL Beta

We're launching soon in private beta - sign up to get an invite!

Beta Common Questions

Will I have to pay to use it?

Nope! The beta will be free. Pricing will take effect when we officially launch OpenTBL in August.

How long will the beta run?

We'll be running from late April through June.

Will my exercises, student data, and scores be deleted when the beta is over?

We are working hard to ensure that your data will be kept safe and will be available to you in August when we officially launch. In a worst-case scenario, the data may be reset afer the beta prior to launch, but the goal is to avoid that.

Can I use it in my class?

Absolutely! During the beta, you will be able to build and disseminate your Readiness Assurance Tests and Peer Evaluations to your students. We'll be reaching out to teachers in the beta who have summer courses to see how OpenTBL will best fit in their existing workflow. Please keep in mind that with any software, there may be bugs that crop up and prevent the system from working as intended. While we're optimistic for a successful beta, we do recommend having an alternative in place as a backup.

Can I invite other instructors?

Of course! Just send them this page and let them know they can sign up for the beta here. We'll try and get in touch with them when we add more teachers to the beta.